
Showing posts from June, 2014 vs. Tweetdeck

I was introduced to the two services a few months ago and am trying to make sense of both of them.  runs and feels like a social media manager. I log in and can instantly see who is who in terms or followers and what the community ( ) refers to as people who are engaging, those who are influencing and those who have progressed to the level of promotion (tweeter language). Instantly you realize that each of these platforms often resort to this type of functioning. Facebook created a friends, tweeter created to followers, google created circles, linked in called them members and so on.  The plus side to  is that it reminds you of the importance of staying connected to your followers and classifying them based on 'engagement'. The only challenge with this is that it functions purely on metrics and therefore has little or concern for human machines are prone to be. This is the same challenge google search users, facebookers and blo