
Showing posts from October, 2010


As part of my search for the E-mail Client, i came across this Jewel . If you have worked with E-mail clients before and tried to get your Google Mail accounts, Hotmail Accounts or any others, you probably noticed that there is a lot of information available on how to configure various accounts. Spicebird helps you by finding this information and filling it in for you. Questions about port numbers , incoming addresses and outgoing address are all taken care of by this handy program. Even though there were some problems with the initial install, i would still recommend this software especially the older more stable versions.


There are some pretty neat tools for accessing PDF documents. If you have the space go ahead and invest in some of the heavy duty stuff. Foxit works for me because it is very small and enables be to do everything that i need. I admit having had some frustrations with some of the bigger programs but this one saves me some precious space on the HD and also gives me the speed that i need without wearing out the processor. Have used this software now for about three years after a recommendation from Maximum Magazine. Give it a try!


There is a list of must have software for the Windows user as well as an equivalent list for the Linux user. The challenge is that for the Linux user, you have to be very specific which vendor your are making reference to. Much of what i present is created for users that are running dual boot systems. Graphics people will appreciate gimp which allows you to create some pretty cool stuff and is designed to run on both platforms. GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) is designed primarily for tasks such as " photo retouching, image composition and image authoring ". Try it out i think you will like it.

Sea Monkey

If you are like me, there are certain things that you expect a good browser to do. If that browser disappoints you the chances are you will head straight for google and find the most recent and reliable link to a new download that fulfills your expectations (even though this download is for a completely different product). Do you want to have a central place where your e-mails can be sent especially if they are part of an e-mail client ? Then SeaMonkey is the tool for you. Do you want to establish a link to your favorite chat platform? You guessed it! SeaMonkey is the tool for you. There are hurdles that are still to be overcome such as the problem that arises out of having all your proverbial eggs in one basket but these can be overcome.


There are times when you need to get documents that you have worked on in one format into another more usable format especially for others to view . There are plug-ins that are created to work with some of the newer versions of Office. Open Office comes has a built in PDF (portable document format) converter which works great. Do PDF is another option that works great for me. Once it is installed, all you need to do is go to file > print > and then select > Do PDF. This neat software then takes the document that you have chosen to print, and converts it to PDF and places it in a folder of your choice.

Flock Browser

A great idea....We are yet to see if she can deliver a fatal blow to Explorer to help avenge the death of a distant relative- Netscape . Was rather cross that after a while Netscape was no longer providing support for their browser. For a while, what i did was run the browser anyway which in my view, was probably one of the best browsers on the market (with some very well designed security features). Creating a browser that makes room for all major social networking sites and and is built with similar functionality is good. I use flock to subscribe to several feeds which are displayed on the side bar. The e-mails i visit most are also close by for quick access. Even though i do not exchange photos too often on the Internet, i do recommend flock because it has access to all the major photo and video exchanging sites on the web. Thumbs up to the Flock Browser.

Mozilla Sunbird

I do admit a certain soft spot for Mozilla products. This is one of them, i suppose that there are advantages to having a whole suite of products under one name much like Microsoft does has done with Outlook or Evolution in the Linux environment. Sunbird allows me to make my plans and then port them in either the Linux side or the Windows side. Most of the features that are available with the standard calendering software are found here with tasks and planners for the day, the week or the month. The other great thing about it is its size . The user can also get additional features online.

Mozilla Thunderbird

In an effort to establish a tradition, we would like to recommend some products for users to try. It is very difficult to find a service (especially software) that fulfills your every need. After a while of working with computers and interacting with others on the Internet, it will not be long before you realize the need for an e-mail client. It is generally used to access your e-mail services on the Internet either through POP3 accounts or through IMAP . There are several on the market but i will make reference to Thunderbird. I appreciate the simplicity of the new Thunderbird which does most of the work for you so that all you have to do is key in your login name and your password. The wizard then uses its extensive database to figure out the rest of your mail server details. Currently Gmail and Hotmail give their users access to the above services so that e-mail clients can get access to their messages. This could prove to be advantageous in the future. Yahoo offers these servic